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What is NIBIT

The NIBIT - Italian network for cancer biotherapy and immunotherapy - was established in 2004, to respond to the need to create a cooperative network that would collect and coordinate the activities of several Italian groups involved in biotherapy and immunotherapy of cancer.

Numerous groups, over the years, have joined the NIBIT with a consequent progressive growth of the network and a greater activity in terms of projects, initiatives and collaborations.
In consideration of this development, the NIBIT was established in 2006 as a non-profit association.


The objectives of the NIBIT are:
a) to promote and develop scientific, professional and operational interaction between professionals (academy, industry, regulatory agencies) involved in cancer biotherapy;
b) to develop and conduct clinical biotherapy studies on tumors;
c) to develop initiatives aimed at directing and informing cancer patients about clinical trials in the network.


Currently, NIBIT hosts over 30 research institutes throughout Italy, organizes educational events, an annual Meeting now in its seventeenth edition, and preclinical and clinical studies.



Attualmente il NIBIT si compone di un Consiglio Direttivo con un Presidente, un Segretario/Tesoriere e sette Consiglieri. L’Assemblea dei Soci è costituita da membri che rappresentano i principali gruppi italiani di ricerca clinica e pre-clinica in ambito oncologico.

Ad oggi fanno parte del NIBIT numerosi gruppi di lavoro in rappresentanza di diverse istituzioni sanitarie, universitarie ed agenzie regolatorie nazionali.


In memory of Linda Isella,
CEO Achelois srl - Professional Congress Organiser

Dear NIBIT members and friends,
It is with an undefinable sadness that today we must share with you that Linda Isella, a building block of the San Raffaele Hospital Congress Center, has prematurely left us.

Linda accompanied NIBIT on many of its adventures and was an irreplaceable reference. Professionally very appreciated, esteemed and loved, with these few lines on behalf of a group of friends, we want first of all to remember the woman who in her normality was unique and simply fantastic. And saying it makes us feel a little closer to the family and to those who have had the good fortune to know her.

There are Matteo, Anna and Giulia, Pier Francesco and Antonio, Enzo, Paola and Paola, Claudio, Paolo, Vincenzo and Marina. We share a passion for science and the desire to make it known to many. In this, almost daily, Linda was with us, with her beautiful and reassuring smile that brightened every time she looked at us. With a never-ending smile and a serene determination, she was able to deal with big and small issues, and with serene determination to find solutions where there seemed to be none.

With the same attitude, she fought a sudden and silent disease that that did not leave her sufficient time. She leaves a much-loved family, her husband and two children, of whom she spoke with even brighter eyes. She also leaves close colleagues, with whom she shared a significant portion of her life.

We are sure that they will always carry Linda in their hearts, witnessing her determined smile in person.

We will surely do.

Ciao Linda !

NIBIT and co….


Il Presidente in carica Prof. Pier Francesco Ferrucci e il Past President Prof. Mario Paolo Colombo
sono stati premiati in occasione dell’edizione 2022 del Milan Ambassador Program.

Questo importante riconoscimento è atto a premiare l’impegno a promuovere Milano come città ospitante dell’edizione 2023 del CRI-ENCI-AACR International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference (CICON23), che si terrà presso il MiCo dal 20 al 23 settembre p.v.


Support the Italian Network for Cancer Biotherapy !

Your contribution will allow us to foster and develop the interaction between professionals involved in cancer biotherapy to identify new ways of intervening in the fight against cancer, thus increasing the therapeutic possibilities available.

Donate to NIBIT

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