XX NIBIT Meeting

Topics of the XX NIBIT Meeting: “Translating knowledge into the clinic”, remain focused on new discoveries in cancer immunology and immunotherapy, with a stronger attention to the clinics in different settings and diseases. Being the NIBIT devoted to study the wider landscape of Tumors’ Biotherapy, sessions will also cover other emerging fields related to the application of the newest technology, which allowed Precision Oncology to become a reality. Through big data interpretation and analysis, molecular diagnosis and disease monitoring and treatment has reached unbelievable levels of accuracy, opening new windows of opportunity for our patients.

Themes of the meeting are: a) Advances in Personalized Medicine; b) Integrating -omics in the practice of diagnostic pathology c) Cancer dormancy, Metabolism and Metastasis; d) The tumor miroenvironment; e) adoptive T-cell based immunotherapy; f) Translating basic science into the clinic. Most of the sessions will be joint with other important Italian Associations (AIOM, ACC, SIAPEC, SIC, SIICA) in order to develop a synergistic scientific and educational networks.

The meeting will confirm two relevant steps forward for the NIBIT: the partnership with Fondazione Pezcoller that will sponsor the main keynote lecture and the partnership with the European Network for Cancer Immunotherapy (ENCI), of which NIBIT is founding member together with the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) and European Academy of Tumor Immunology (EATI).

Basic scientists, clinicians and international leaders will have the opportunity to meet and exchange their science in the enchanting Padova, one of the oldest University and Medicine Faculty in the world. Attendees will be updated on the most recent data from the bench and results from clinical trials, they will strengthen scientific collaborations and built the basis for new ones.

Young scientist will have the unique opportunity to test their skills by presenting their findings and confront with opinion leaders in a friendly and informal environment. Five best abstracts from those presented at the meeting, will be selected in five different topics (Basic, Translational and Clinical Science, plus Basic and Translational Science in Melanoma) and awarded a money prize.

Sostieni il Network Italiano per la Bioterapia dei Tumori !

Il tuo contributo ci permetterà di favorire e sviluppare l'interazione tra professionisti coinvolti nella bioterapia dei tumori per identificare nuove modalità di intervento nella lotta al cancro aumentando così le possibilità terapeutiche a disposizione.

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